~に悪影響を与える[及ぼす]、~にマイナスとなる Fingerprints from touching the paper image area will adversely affect the printing result. 《マニュアル》用紙の画像転写領域に触れて指紋を残すと、印刷結果に悪影響が出ます。 TV often aversely affects children.
we both know personal urges can adversely affect tactical decisions . オレ達 2人の秘密の関係も 任務に悪影響を与える可能性がある
furthermore , it is said that water containing a high level of salts may interfere with coffee flavor and also adversely affect thermal stability of milk constituents . また、塩類を多く含む水はコーヒーの香味を阻害し乳成分の熱安定性にも悪影響を及ぼすという。
some people often suck the chinese ink out from the root of the brush , but caution must be exercised since ink of low quality may adversely affect ones health; this does not apply if ink of high quality is used . 毛の根元の墨を口で吸ったりして吸い出すことがよく行われているが、品質の良い固形墨・墨液では構わないが、品質について信用できない墨汁などを口に入れることは体に悪い可能性があるので注意する。
he advocated the need for nationalization of the railways from early on , and in 1881 during his time as the director general of the railway agency , he submitted to takayuki sasaki , the minister of industry then , a written opinion titled ' argument against private railways from director general of railway agency ' stating that profit-oriented buisiness and competition of private railways would adversely affect the development of railways . 早くから鉄道国有化の必要を唱え、鉄道局長時代の1881年に工部卿佐々木高行に対し、民営鉄道の利益優先主義と競合は鉄道発展にマイナスとなるとする「私設鉄道に対する鉄道局長論旨」を提出する。